Do you enjoy games? We will have a variety of games throughout the department and BREAKOUT boxes in the Helen Gale!
Families, drop by and enjoy spring break in the library! We will have an assortment of board games and puzzles set up throughout the department for you to enjoy. We will also have BREAKOUT boxes 9:30-11 and 1-2:30 in the Helen Gale. Stop by and join a group trying to 'breakout' or bring a group to tackle a box together.
Please note that the doors to the breakout boxes will close at 11 and 2:30 to allow participants to finish their current box. No new participants will be admitted after 11 am and 2:30 pm. There is a limit of 20 participants at one time.
The award-winning St. Charles Public Library District is located in the scenic Fox River Valley, 35 miles west of Chicago. The Library serves a district population of 55,092 residents and has a staff of 101. The St. Charles Public Library is an equal opportunity employer.