President Lincoln shares his ever-evolving perspectives on the subjects of slavery, emancipation, and equality, including the relationship between the white and black races during his times.
Lincoln, as portrayed by Kevin Wood, gives a brief summary of the long history of slavery in North America, focusing especially on the great debates and compromises over slavery at the time of the formation of the United States and during the subsequent 80 years. He discusses his own political views on slavery and emancipation and how these gradually shifted over the years. REGISTER
This program is most appropriate for adults and for older youth/teenagers (recommended for 12 years old and older); younger children are still welcome, but may not find the material particularly interesting. It runs 60 minutes and is followed by an additional time of Q&A, photos, and informal interaction.
The award-winning St. Charles Public Library District is located in the scenic Fox River Valley, 35 miles west of Chicago. The Library serves a district population of 55,092 residents and has a staff of 101. The St. Charles Public Library is an equal opportunity employer.